Dental Obturation Products: Gutta-Percha Points, Paper Points & More


Endodontics is crucial in managing tooth pain, infection, and associated diseases like periapical abscesses in dentistry. The triad of endodontics is incomplete without obturation. The success of treatment relies on achieving a tight seal at the apex during the final step (obturation) adequately and efficiently with proper irrigation and disinfection of canals. Obturation refers to the method of filling and sealing a tooth with root canal treatment. This final step preserves the structural integrity of the tooth and prevents re-infection.

The importance of Obturation in Endodontic treatment:

The clinical goal of root canal obturation is to fill the empty spaces of the canal after cleaning and shaping. The goal is to achieve hermetic sealing and prevention from infiltration of bacteria into the peri apical tissue. It provides a three-dimensional filling of the root canal system from the apex to the coronal area. Additionally, it supports the preservation of tooth stability and functionality within the oral cavity.

Types of Obturation materials:

Obturation in Endodontic requires different types of materials each has its unique properties and applications.

Gutta Percha: 

Gutta-percha is the most widely used and accepted root canal filling material. It is derived from the sap of the Palaquium tree or Malaysian tree called as percha tree. It is highly bio-compatible. Gutta-percha is the thermoplastic filling material heated and compressed into the tooth's canal with a heated device or hand pluggers, then sealed with adhesive cement.

Diadent offers a complete range of gutta-percha points and obturation products including 2%, 4%, 6%, pro taper and non-standardized points for precise and efficient obturation procedures.

Paper Points: 

Paper points in endodontics are used in root canal procedures to dry the canal or remove excess moisture before obturation or apply any substance or medicament into the root canal. These cones are made up of paper. These standardized cones are available in sterile packs to ensure proper hygiene during treatment.

Diadent offers a variety of absorbent paper points ranging from 2%, 4%, and 6% along with Diadent ProT paper points for precise cleaning and drying and root canal before obturation.

Root canal Sealants:

Root canal sealers are flowable materials applied in the canals along with gutta-percha points. sealers play a critical role in sealing the root canal system by filling areas that are not occupied by the core filling material and through the entombment of remaining microorganisms after chemomechanical preparation. These sealants improve the prognosis of the treatment.

Avue A+ and Diadent Dia Proseal offer unique properties like outstanding flow, low shrinkage, biocompatibility and good film thickness and enhance the overall effectiveness of root canal obturation.

Bio-ceramic sealers: 

Bioceramic sealers are considered to be the most advanced technology in endodontics. They are bioactive and can be set in moisture, thus making them a suitable sealer. These sealers bond chemically to both dentine and gutta-percha points thus allowing a durable seal that resists any leakage.

Angelus Bio C sealer and Angelus MTA Fillapex are the most trusted products widely accepted by dental practitioners worldwide. They are highly bio-compatible and seal effectively.

How to use Endodontic Obturation:

Successful root canal obturation requires meticulous technique and precision:

  1. Cone selection: it is important to select a master cone that closely matches the prepared canal after cleaning and shaping, also accessory cones are required in the case of the traditional method.

  2. Cone adaptation: it is necessary to check the fit of the master cone so that it reaches the apex without any bend.

  3. Sealer application: application of root canal sealers with the help of lentulo spiral or other instruments so that it spreads uniformly inside the canal before placement of master cone.

  4. Gutta-percha placement: various methods of placing gutta percha inside the canal, either one can use a vertical compaction technique to condense it apically or a new advanced heated gutta percha so that accessory canals also get filled.

  5. Backfilling: fill the remaining spaces of coronally with heated gutta percha to remove any voids.

  6. Final obturation verification: radiographs can be taken to check the quality of root canal obturation whether any short or over obturation.

Where to Buy Obturation Materials Online?

Dental Avenue remains the first choice for dental practitioners when it comes to buying premium products online. They offer a wide range of dental products, for endodontics and obturation system products ranging from paper points, gutta-percha points, root canal sealers and more. Authenticity and adherence to standards are ensured by trusted vendors and suppliers. Stay updated on our premium products, and our latest range to enhance clinical outcomes and patient satisfaction.


What happens if you obdurate without sealer?

Without sealer, the overall prognosis will be hampered because of irregularities in spaces, risking bacterial ingress, and microleakages from the apex.

What is the best obturation technique?

To achieve a three-dimensional tight seal within the root canal, various techniques such as single cone, multiple cones, thermo-plasticized injectable technique, and chemo-plasticized obturation system are available.

Do bio-ceramic sealers differ from resin-based sealers in terms of their sealing capabilities?

Resin sealers adhere physically whereas bioceramic sealers adhere chemically, chemical bonding is a more durable and stable seal and reduces the risk of microleakage.